Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Klassische Deutsche Philosophie

Metametaphysics –
On the Sense and Non-Sense of Ontological Disputes


Joint HU-Berlin & LOGOS Workshop on Metametaphysics


19 & 20 November 2012, Department of Philosophy, Humboldt University of Berlin



Ralf Busse (Mainz)

Aurélien Darbellay (LOGOS)

Catharine Diehl (HU-Berlin)

Katharina Felka (Hamburg)

John Horden (LOGOS)

Dan López de Sa (LOGOS)

Tobias Rosefeldt (HU-Berlin)

Bryan Pickel (LOGOS)

Richard Woodward (LOGOS)

Julia Zakkou (HU-Berlin)



Monday 19 November, 2012

9:30-10:50 Richard Woodward (LOGOS): Once Upon a World

11:10-12:30 Aurélien Darbellay (LOGOS): Eklund on Existence-Like Meanings

14:30-15:50 John Horden (LOGOS): Analytic Truths of Mereology

16:05-17:25 Tobias Rosefeldt (HU-Berlin): Easy Ontology and Pleonastic Objects

17:40-19:00 Ralf Busse (Mainz): Innocent Fusions vs. "Pleonastic" Properties

Tuesday 20 November, 2012

9:30-10:50 Bryan Pickel (LOGOS): Whither Structure?

11:10-12:30 Catharine Diehl (HU-Berlin): Is Naturalness Fundamental?

14:30-15:50 Julia Zakkou (HU-Berlin): Against Presuppositionalism in Ontology

16:05-17:25 Katharina Felka (Hamburg): Nominalizing Number Words

17:40-19:00 Dan López de Sa (LOGOS): Indifferentism in Metametaphysics


Click here for a .pdf version of the timetable.


There are no registration fees but if you are attending please contact Julia Zakkou on