Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Feminist Philosophy


Research interests

My research focuses on issues in Feminist, Social, and Political theory. Current projects involve a feminist critique of labour and capitalism, analyses of social structures and structural injustice, as well as methodological questions for non-ideal theorizing.






Aux Ouvrières!”: Socialist Feminism in the Paris Commune’, Intellectual History Review, 2022 (with Bruno Leipold and James Muldoon), open access.


Who Cares: Market Socialism and Social Reproduction’, Review of Social Economy, 2020.


Emotional labour: a case of gender specific exploitation’. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 2018. (pre-print)



Review of Michael Neu, Just Liberal Violence. Sweatshops, Torture, War (London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2018). Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):755-757, 2018


Selected Presentations


10/2022: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Department Colloquium, 'A "Labour of Love": Wage labour, unfreedom and exclusions'


06/2020: King's College London, Philosophy Colloqium: 'The Reproduction of Structural Exploitation'


03/2020: Erasmus University Rotterdam, workshop Marx and Freedom: 'Who Cares: Market Socialism and Social Reproduction'


02/2020: Goethe Universität Frankfurt, workshop Market Socialism: 'Who Cares: Market Socialism and Social Reproduction'


06/2019: Freie Universität Berlin, SWIP workshop: 'Power in Production'


09/2018: MIT, Workshop on Gender and Philosophy: 'A Feminist Analysis of Sweatshop Labour'


07/2018: Goethe Universität Frankfurt, workshop Ideology: Commentary on Sally Haslanger on Structural Injustice and Ideology


06/2018: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, lecture series Topics in Feminist Philosophy: '"Women are Just Better at This Stuff": The Exploitation of Emotional Labour'


03/2018: Justitia Amplificata Frankfurt, conference Critical Theory Revisited: 'What’s Wrong With Sweatshop Labour'


11/2016 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Kolloquium für Sozialphilosophie: 'Marxist Exploitation and Sweatshop Labour'