Talks and Presentations
English title in [] where talk or presentation was in German
- 4 July 2024: "What is Institutional Racism?", Workshop "Critical Theories Today. Axel Honneth and the Frankfurt School(s)", University of Amsterdam
- 3 July 2024: "What is Institutional Racism?", Workshop "Unjust (In)Security", Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
- 17 May 2024: "Kämpft einfach um Anerkennung, dann wird schon alles gut?" ["Just Struggle for Recognition and Everything Will be Fine?"], Keynote Lecture at the Workshop on Recognition and Trans/Feminism, Freie Universität Berlin
- 6 May 2024: "Gibt es etwas, was alle Formen von Rassismus gemeinsam haben?" ["Is There Anything That All Forms of Racism Have in Common?"], Lecture Series on Contested Concepts, Humboldt University Berlin and Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
- 29 April 2024: "Kommentar zu Daniel James, 'Warum es so schwer ist, sich auf einen Rassismusbegriff zu einigen'" [Commentary on Daniel James, 'Why It Is so Difficult to Agree on a Concept of Racism'], Lecture Series on Contested Concepts, Humboldt University Berlin and Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
15 January 2024: „Commentary on Charlotte Witt, Social Goodness“, AMC Panel, APA Eastern Meeting in New York
11 December 2023: „Was ist institutioneller Rassismus?“ ["What is Institutional Racism?"], Institutskolloquium, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Oldenburg
6 December 2023: „Was ist institutioneller Rassismus?“ ["What is Institutional Racism?"], Institutskolloquium, Institut für Philosophie, Technische Universität Dresden
13 September 2023: „Critical Theory’s Racial Blind Spot“ (together with Daniel James and Bastian Ronge), International Conference „Futuring Critical Theory“, Frankfurt am Main
- 27 June 2023: Commentary on Rahel Jaeggi, "Ideology as a Distortion of Social Practices", Workshop "Ideology and Social Transformation" at the Center for Social Critique, Humboldt University Berlin
- 22 June 2023, "Missachtung als Problem und Anerkennung als Lösung? Warum es nicht ganz so einfach ist" ["Disrespect as a problem and recognition as a solution? Why it is not quite so simple"], talk at the conference "Das Andere der Anerkennung", Bergische Universität Wuppertal (organized by Bastian Ronge)
- 12 June 2023: "Ambivalent Recognition", Lecture at the Summer School "Recognition: Conceptual Contours and Contemporary Challenges", Universität Zürich
- 30 May 2023: Panel Discussion on "Structural Racism and Anti-Racist Struggles" (together with Sally Haslanger, Daniel James, Bafta Sarbo; chaired by Robin Celikates)
- 12 May 2023: "Ambivalent Recognition", talk at the Online Political Theory Workshop at Queen's University Belfast
- 25 April 2023: "Was ist institutioneller Rassismus?" [What is Institutional Racism?], talk at the Departmental Colloquium of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science at TU Dortmund
- 8 February 2023: "Was ist institutioneller Rassismus?" [What is Institutional Racism?], talk at the colloquium of Prof. Dr. Christine Bratu at the Universität Göttingen
- 10 January 2023: Panel Discussion "Rassismus aus philosophischer Perspektive" [Racism from a Philosophical Perspective] at the LMU Munich (cancelled due to illness)
- 8/9 December 2022: Commentator at the workshop "Fortschritt und Regression" [Progress and Regression], manuscript discussion with Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi, organized by the Center of Social Critique at Humboldt University Berlin and the Research Group "Democratic Hope" of the Free University Berlin
- 17 November 2022: "What is Institutional Racism?", Lecture at the University of Aarhus (organized by the History of Ideas Forum and the Psychology Students without Borders)
- 10 November 2022: "Es gibt keine Rassen, aber was ist mit race? Die philosophische Diskussion zur Metaphysik von race" [There is No Such Thing as 'Rasse', but What About Race? The Philosophical Discussion Regarding the Metaphysics of Race] at the NaDiRa-Lecture-Series "Rassismusforschung: Methodik und Ethik"
- 26 October 2022: "Was ist institutioneller Rassismus?" [What is Institutional Racism?], Opening Lecture in the Departmental Colloquium of the Department of Philosophy at Humboldt University Berlin
- 13 September 2022: "Nonideal and Critical Theory: How to Make Political Philosophy Relevant for Practice" at the 11. GAP-Congress at Humboldt University Berlin
- 8/9 July 2022: "Wie weiß ist die Kritische Theorie?" [How white is Critical Theory?] at the conference "Wie weiß ist das Fach Philosophie?" [How white is Philosophy?], University of Wuppertal (organised by Dr. Bastian Ronge)
- 6 July 2022: Presentation of Ambivalente Anerkennung [Ambivalent Recognition] at Centre Marc Bloch Berlin
- 29 June 2022: Presentation of Ambivalente Anerkennung [Ambivalent Recognition] at the Research Colloquium of Prof. Dr. Christine Wimbauer at the Department of Social Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin
- 25 May 2022: Panel Discussion "Rassismus: Eine Frage der Einstellung?" [Racism: A Matter of Attitude?] at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (with Dr. Hannes Kuch; moderated by Dr. Daniel James)
- 19 May 2022: "Ambivalente Anerkennung" [Ambivalent Recognition] at the Department of Philosophy, University of Potsdam
- 11 May 2022: "Was ist Struktureller Rassismus?" [What is Structural Racism?] for "Philosophie mittenmang" at the University of Flensburg
- 11 April 2022: "Recognition Theory and Epistemic Injustice" (with Dr. Hilkje Hänel) at the GenderTalks Roundtable at the University of Bayreuth
- 23 March 2022: Presentation of Ambivalente Anerkennung [Ambivalent Regocnition] at the Research Centre for the Study of Democratic Cultures and Politics, University of Groningen
- 10 February 2022: Discussion of a paper on "Nonideal Theory and Critical Theory" at the Research Colloquium of Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmidt at the Department of Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin
- 3 February 2022: Discussion of a paper on "Nonideal Theory and Critical Theory" at the Research Colloquium of Prof. Dr. Tobias Rosefeldt at the Department of Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin
- 19 January 2022: Lecture "Nonideal Theory and Critical Theory" at the Philosophy Institute of the University of Hamburg (cancelled due to illness)
- 5 January 2022: Panel Discussion on "Struktureller Rassismus: Hat die Critical Race Theory einen zu weiten Rassismusbegriff?" [Structural Racism: Does Critical Race Theory Have Too Broad a Concept of Racism?] at the Department of Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin (with Prof. Dr. Philipp Hübl and Dr. Daniel James; moderated by Dr. Romy Jaster)
- 23 November 2021: Panel Discussion "Über Anton W. Amo und Critical Philosophy of Race" [On Anton W. Amo and Critical Philosophy of Race] at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
- 11 November 2021:Presentation of Ambivalente Anerkennung [Ambivalent Recognition] at the Research Colloquium of Prof. Dr. Martin Saar at the Department of Philosophy, Goethe University Frankfurt
- 9 November 2021: Presentation of Ambivalente Anerkennung [Ambivalent Recognition] at the philosophical seminar of the WWU Münster (in the context of the Colloquium for Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Law, organized by Prof. Dr. Franziska Dübgens)
- 28 October 2021: Presentation of Ambivalente Anerkennung [Ambivalent Recognition], Research Colloquium of Prof. Dr. Rahel Jaeggi and Prof. Dr. Robin Celikates at the Department of Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin
- 7 September 2021: "Nicht-ideale und kritische Theorie" [Nonideal and Critical Theory] at the Social Philosophy Section, XXV. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- 15 July 2021: "Ambivalent Recognition", Lecture at the Critical Theory Summer School, University of Groningen
- 5 July 2021: Input "Was ist Rassismus?" [What is Racism?] at the philosophical walks of the Institute of Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin
- 30 June 2021: "Black Feminism" (with Prof. Dr. Marina Martinez Mateo) at the Feminist Symposium, organized by the student representatives of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bonn
- 13 April 2021: Lecture on "Horkheimer/Adorno: Dialektik der Aufklärung" [Horkheimer/Adorno: Dialectics of Enlightenment] for the Lecture Series on "Geschichte der Philosophie der Gegenwart II" at the Department of Philosophy, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- 17 December 2020: Presentation "How Should We Understand the Ambivalence of Recognition? Revisiting the Link between Recognition and Subjection in the Works of Althusser and Butler" at the Research Colloquium of Prof. Dr. Fabian Schuppert, University of Potsdam