Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Lehrstuhl für Praktische Philosophie und Sozialphilosophie & Centre for Social Critique


FAQs - Call for Fellowship Applications

The Center for Humanities and Social Change (HSC Center) at Humboldt-University, Berlin, is inviting applications for fellowships for the academic year 2020/21, beginning October 1, 2020 and ending July 31, 2021.


1. What is the amount of the scholarships?

2. Do all scholarships have to begin on October 1st, 2020?

3. What is expected of me during my stay at the Center for Humanities and Social Change?

4. When will I be informed about the result of the selection process?




1. What is the amount of the scholarships?

The scholarships are based on the rates of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

Travel expenses can be covered in individual cases. If you would like to make use of this, please let us know in your application.


2. Do all scholarships have to begin on October 1st, 2020?

Except for minor discrepancies the scholarships need to start October 1st 2020.


3. What is expected from me during my stay at the Center for Humanities and Social Change?

Our Fellows should take an active part in all events organized by the Center and participate in the weekly colloquia. A short “gray paper” which documents the research done during the fellowship should be provided by the end of the stay.


4. When will I be informed about the result of the selection process?

You will be informed about the outcome by the end of January 2020.